viernes, 27 de julio de 2018

Post 8: A Subject I Enjoyed This Semester.

Post 8: A Subject I Enjoyed This Semester.

Hello....other again! Today, I will talk about one of my subject of interest, which is Social Policies. What you do in classes? Well, we read papers about the topic in general -América Latina and especially Chile-.

Other thing, the contents of de subject are concepts like public policy, democracy, public participation, welfare system, social protection and social policies. The most important for learn is about affirm that although social protection in Chile has a universalist conception or design that responds to the concept of postconventional social citizenship, in its application tends to particularism and targeting. Why this is relevat? beacuse we have social policies in all the spaces...yes! In this moment you question, How?, study because have public polices about the system of education. For this, the social policies is power and social control with the poblation.

For the last point, I like this magic for see the world of different manner and for the life of people. Also, from of my carrer -Social Work- you can change a little the country or simply the contact with the diversity people, for this, enjoy the subject social policies in this semester.

Post 7: Career-related website.

Post 7: Career-related website.

At the moment, I am a student of Social Work for 3 years and I am doing a project on migration, 
specifically in migrant children, so I have reviewed a lot of bibliography on this. 
So, in that desperate search I found a website called U-Nomades ( 
Did you know about U-nomads? It is a magical place where you can find anything about migration, 
since it is a network of migration studies ... and best of all, it is a site that is coordinated by the University
of Chile and is associated with the professional practices of the of those is mine.
In addition, it is a website that provides current research mostly in Chile, publications of the academy's 
professors, in addition to constantly promoting activities such as seminars, talks, workshops on migration 
in its various aspects. Important information, there is a state of the art about is magical.
And finally, the frequency with which I use this website is at least once a week, but there was a time 
where I checked it continuously.

Post 6: Free Topic: What are you passionate about?

Post 6: Free Topic: What are you passionate about?
My biggest passion is simply cooking. I love food, in all its flavors, colors, sizes, in all its cultural diversity. 
But it has to be an ovo-vegetarian version, that is, not meat, cheese, milk and other animal derivatives.
For that reason, I dared to cook the different curiosities of the countries, but I must say that Mexican food
fascinates me, guacamole is an insurmountable thing, I think that at least once a week I prepared that. 
A curious fact, is that within the fast food chain, I think the best option for a vegetarian or vegan is the 
Tommy Beans.

One thing that has surprised me to find this passion, is that it relaxes me and I think, that a connection 
is built with fruits, vegetables and whole foods ... I do not know, how to be aware of what I eat and love 
the cooking process, I feel that it becomes an adventure inventing preparations and combining flavors.
I have realized that cooking is not difficult, it is only daring to the unknown.

Post 5: My favorite picture

Post 5: My favorite picture 
This is my favorite photo. This is a sincere representation of me, I think it is the only photo where 
I like how I look, enjoying the ephemeral trip to the south, to visit my sister Francisca.
This photo was taken on July 13, 2016, on the bus from Villarica to Temuco, it was an unforeseen
photograph, I did not know that I was taking one, it also captures the green and green of the south.
I think the places I went through make me think that each one is a favorite place.
This image means a lot to me because I see it and it comes back to me, those emotions of seeing
beautiful places, magical experiences and unforgettable moments. This trip caused in me things that 
are quite defining in my life. Today I want to continue exploring corners of the country and why not, of 
the world ... in search of new adventures.

viernes, 13 de julio de 2018

Free topic. “Conversations in the transport public”

Post 4: Free topic. “Conversations in the transport public”

The days I travel to the university - the trip lasts a lot...two and a half hours - I love to listen to 
the conversions of the people, some of them make my day, others provoke a question about life
and sometimes I feel that I have already I have lived. 
They are so curious the phrases that appear in the daily conversations of public transport, one of those 
could be: "I get off with the chair" in the bus or "you would have seen the flaites on the ground 
in the morning, you could tell they were going to the center to steal "in the subway. 
I feel that each of these conversions are permeated by a hegemonic power that controls us...
to the point, we do not realize that power, that is why it constantly questions what you
believe resists.

My favorite piece of tech

Post 3: My favorite piece of tech 

I do not like technology, because I fear the surveillance that a cell phone, a computer, a tablet and all the other devices can have. However, if I had to choose my favorite piece of technology would be the electric oven. It is a small oven, with a single tray, but with great power. It was a gift that we made for the family, it was a very funny decision ... it was very cheap at the supermarket. I love the oven, because I can cook all the possible things, among them: baked potatoes, cookies, pizzas, I also love how toast leaves ... it's amazing. I love it because I can cook everything I like in a short time, it's efficient. I use it every day, I think 3 times a day. Therefore, my life without the electric oven would be a bit sad and less tasty, I would have to use more time to cook.