viernes, 10 de agosto de 2018

Post 10:Reflections on the semester

Another semester? Yes, it's amazing how time passes through our eyes, but how great to live with different eyes (perspectives)
To live another semetre in the university comes accompanied with other emotions, learning, experiences, difficulties among other qualities. How was the first semester? In this first part of the year, I have lived in the academic field a consecration of my passion for the career, which previously was not very safe.
Today, I can say that thanks to the new subjects and the beginning of my practice - I think that this moment was the most relevant - I will continue studying Social Work.
On the other hand, the semester in the aspect of social relationships, the people I have known and whom I have come back to know, make me feel a deep beauty for the hope of humanity, to change the small worlds.
One of the most entertaining things that I have lived, has been to venture into what I thought was distant, it was the best thing that I have lived. But also, I had to confront my constant fears of disappointment about my attitudes to connect with the different stories that are expressed in each person.
And to finish this boring reflection, I want to know your experiences, that's why I want to ask you how was your semester?

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